
One of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of processed, refined carbohydrates in your diet is to replace your breakfast cereal with oatmeal.  Some of oatmeal’s many benefits:

  • As a whole grain, rolled oats retain more nutrient, protein, and fiber content than refined grains.
  • Oats are great for heart health, containing a nutrient package that lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure, and prevents the arteries from hardening.
  • Oatmeal is a great source of fiber, which stabilizes your blood sugar and keeps you feeling full longer.
  • Studies have shown that women consuming high amounts of fiber from whole grains have a reduced risk of breast cancer.
  • Oats boost the immune system (beta-glucan fiber, the same fiber linked to reduced risk of breast cancer, helps immune cells seek out areas of the body that may be fighting infection).
  • Although oats contain a small amount of gluten, oatmeal is generally well-tolerated by people following a gluten-free diet.


A few favorite oatmeal ideas:

Classic Maple Oats: Maple syrup, cayenne pepper, mapleoatswalnuts, sea salt

  1. Cook oats (old fashioned or steel-cut)
  2. Stir in 1 tablespoon maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper
  3. Sprinkle with a handful of chopped walnuts (or substitute pecans or hazelnuts) and a dash of sea salt

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Swiss Oatmeal: Cold, creamy oats with fruit and nuts


  1. Combine equal parts uncooked oats, yogurt, and milk (can substitute soy or almond milk), and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (or overnight)
  2. Add sliced fruit (pears, apples, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.) and sliced almonds
  3. Have fun!  You can mix in spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla) or add dry fruit (cranberries, cherries, etc.) or coconut chips

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Simple Savory Oats: Seriously, super good and healthyoatmeal

  1. Cook oats
  2. Add 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, pinch of sea salt or Maldon salt flakes, cracked pepper, a few shavings of good hard cheese (parmesan or aged sharp cheddar)
  3. For more protein, add a sunny-side up egg on top!


Learn more:  The World’s Healthiest Foods
Photos: (maple) Weight Watchers, (Swiss) The Faux Martha, (savory) TasteSpotting

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