DIY Beachy Waves

Sea salt sprays are common for giving hair beautiful beachy waves, or creating a tousled look full of texture and volume.  Although there are plenty of store-bought options to choose from, sea salt sprays are easy and inexpensive to make (all natural!) at home.  You’ll just need a spray bottle, water, salt, aloe vera gel, and coconut oil or hair conditioner.  Salt dries out the natural oils in hair so it’s important to use a recipe that also includes a conditioning agent.mermaid-spray

This DIY Mermaid Spray shared on the Free People blog uses coconut oil and aloe vera gel to condition hair and adds essential oils for scent.

Wellness Mama also has a good recipe for a Beach Waves Hair Spray and includes optional instructions for using tea as a base to either lighten or darken hair.



Photo: Free People Bldg 25 Blog 

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