Finding Your Soulmate Workout

Guest post by Simone Mishler-Egar

Simone is just another person trying to find a balanced, healthy life.  She is a certified Piyo instructor and self-proclaimed feminist, searching for the right balance of yoga and ice cream. 

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I finished my third 10k yesterday. What grand realization did I have at the finish line? I don’t really like running. That is right, I said it. I don’t enjoy running.

Why did I run my third 10k if I don’t like to run? Because I feel as though I should like running. If you are anything like me, you have some activity you do just to prove you are healthy and fit. Maybe you hate running too. Or maybe you hate yoga, but you want to be in on the Bikram scene. It doesn’t matter what activity it is–if you are only doing it to prove your fitness to others, you can stop now.

The first step in finding the fitness program you really love is accepting that you won’t love them all. I tried many different workout regimens before I found my fit. For example, programs I have tried and moved on from:

  • Weight training: reminds me of high school, therefore I will never stick to it.
  • Zumba: not my cup of tea since I have zero ability to be smooth and not awkward.
  • Crossfit: see weight training.
  • Hot yoga: goes far beyond what I need to detox and usually gets sweat in my contacts.

I could keep going. The point is I did keep going (and not enjoying my workouts) until I found the program that I actually look forward to doing. For me, I love combination exercises. I need to keep my mind moving. I found Piyo, the combination of Pilates, yoga and cardio training, to be the right mix for me. I actually love Piyo enough to teach it three times a week. (And I pair that with weekly barre classes to indulge my childhood ballerina fantasies.)

Once I found my right mix, I became more consistent in my fitness routine. I have seen real changes in my body (mainly upper body strength, which I NEVER had before). I have fewer peaks and valleys in my progress. I have found something I enjoy and I am happy with myself. I recommend you go buy a few Groupons and give some new fitness programs a try! You will learn a lot about yourself through this process.

So back to why I ran my third 10k: I wanted to prove that I am still fit enough to run a 10k. That is a stupid reason. Finally, now, I realize that is a stupid reason. I could have used that hour to take another barre class or learn new Piyo choreography. Seeing this, I am finally able to break up with running–so I can focus more on the fitness programs that I look forward to and that work for me.


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